Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Administrators and Blogs

Administrators can use the information provided from the action research blogs to develop their own action research plans or use the plans already created and tailor them to the needs of their student population. Blogging is a good forum for sharing ideas and practices as well as sparking creativity among education professionals. It is technology that can foster learning and sharing communities among administrators who may face similar challenges within their campuses.


  1. "...needs of their student population." That is what it's all about. Everyone says, "I'm in this for the kids, it's obviously not for the money." But most of those people are just offering lip services. Is the teacher/administrator there when the student loses a parent, is abused, has a break mentally, becomes homeless, is picked on and has a hard time dealing with the pain? Most of our students are 'plugged in' or on-line, and the use of a blog is a great way to maintain contact with students. Nice start!

  2. Andrea,

    Playing off of what you said about "action research blogs," I think a blog would be a great place to collect information like a suggestion box. Most students won't take the time to write something out and place it in a box but because the online trend is continuing to expand it is more likely they would voice their opinion in an online forum.

    1. Love the idea of a suggestion box. I agree that the online access that blogs create are more appealing the our students these days.

  3. Andrea, I like the idea of sharing ideas & sparking creativity! When school is full swing and the daily grind becomes overwhelming, I know that I'll need help with being creative! So, I look forward to visiting your blog for some creative inspiration!

  4. I agree that it is a great way for principals tho share ideas between campuses. Blogging is a new adventure for me, and I am sure I will learn a lot.

  5. I also like the idea of an online suggestion box/forum for students, Andrea! Students will be much more apt to participating, on their own time, using technology than they would with paper and pencil. I cannot wait for school to begin so that I can be inspired by many more creative ideas.

  6. Blogging can also be a tool to share information that teachers and staff simply need to know. The use of a blog could cut down on time spent in faculty meetings. Questions can be posted to the blog and answered by the administration at both the teacher and the administrator's convenience. I have also thought about a blog as a congratulatory tool for student and teacher achievement.
